My Story
My Journey Began...
I was born in Minneapolis, MN, and moved to Ames, Iowa, when I was four. I participated in dance, studying tap, jazz, and ballet all through my childhood. I auditioned and was accepted into the Ames Children's Choir (ACC) and got to go on tour with them, and one trip took us to Washington, DC, where we got the honor of performing at the National Cathedral!
In high school, I learned clarinet and was in Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and the high school honors choir. I also joined the theatre tech crew. I struggled with self-consciousness at the time, so I never thought I was good enough to be on that stage or in the spotlight.
One day when I was in community college, I had this sudden charge of courage and decided to take a chance; I auditioned for a musical. I got a part in the ensemble and just fell in love. I transferred to the University of Missouri, where I really found myself and my passion. After completing my Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, I decided to go for my MFA, where I got the chance to be an actor on the screen, which was an incredible experience.
I have grown so much in my craft and as a person.
And now, my journey continues...

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"-Ralph Waldo Emerson